So. I've joined Ravelry and am currently loading all my yarnish activities past, present, and future into its database. I've put LOTS of my yarn in; I keep finding new hidden stashes in my room. CATALOGING, y'all. WHAT.
I'd say I've got 99% of my needles (straight, DPN, circular) and crochet hooks in there, too. I have loaned a set of Size US 8 (steel) to Sam so she can learn how to knit. She's a Whiz-Bang crocheter, so it shouldn't be too hard for her.
I did finally locate my old knitting binder and am re-arranging it to add all the newer patterns from the new binder. Because the old binder is BIGGER.
On needles currently? That damned Herringbone scarf.
On crochet hook? The Star Trek Travel Mug Cozy. In Science Blue.