Saturday, July 30, 2005

LOOK! Photos from the KnitCam!

And heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's knitting!

This is the Right front panel of Dad's Cardi- The strip on the inside is where the buttons will be attached. A similar strip will be knit with buttonholes for the Left Front Panel.

I'm so excited. EEeeeeeeee!

On the right side of this photo you will also notice the lovely black shoes and distincitvely stripey socks of Raggedy Ann. Mom made her for me when I was a young'un- she's been with me ever since.

On the left upper corner is my oh-so-very-cool hard-sided knitting needle case for the two sets of Birch needles I own (Sizes 6 and 7) so that I don't accidentally sit on them and snap them. That would be A Bad Thing.

More KnitPix soon- this is so much fun. New Toy! New Toy!

Thank you, my Aunt. (She sent me this camera- see earlier entries about it.)

Thursday, July 28, 2005

LOOKIT! How kawaii!

I want to do a Snitch Scarf, too!!

No Knit mtg today for me- I have to work. :(
But I will soon have the KnitCam working to take pix.
Maybe Tonight!

Monday, July 25, 2005


I may be receiving a digicam soon! My Knitting Aunt has sent me her previous cam, as she is getting a new one soon. SO I will be able to photograph my WIP as well as my Finished Projects. YAAAAYYY!

This will give me more impetus to finish things.

Like the Cardi. It's so close to done you can feel the crisp...ish weather.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Right front band

I've begun work on the bands for the buttons and buttonholes.
It's going rapidly, despite being on smaller needles, since it's only 8 sts across.

Sunday, July 10, 2005


After nearly two years of unemployment, I have gotten a Full-Time job!
/runs off dancing
The only negative quality (yet) is that I will no longer be able to attend the Knit & Sip and hang out with my friends on Thursday afternoons anymore. Maybe I can convince some of them to do a night-time knit once a month or something like that.

I will miss the camraderie and their ability to keep me going on a tough project, but... I like being able to pay my bills, too.

In other news, worrying about this Hurricane has kept me from working on the buttonhole section of The Cardigan. I'll do sometonight, since the bad weather is mostly over with now.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

According to these "scienticians"...

Take the MIT Weblog Survey
Check it out, yo. thelittleknittinkitten inspired me.

The SLEEVES are DONE!!!!

I worked for three hours straight today, to the urgent drumbeats of hip-hop, Van Halen, and DIVA 92.3 FM.
Sleeves are done, man, solid DONE.

So now all's that's left to do is to finish the 1x1 ribbed band, make pockets if there's any yarn leftover, and piece the cardi together. All before the 8th. Swear. Pinky-swear.

As for Jaclyn's present, I think I need to buy a smaller cable; maybe at Hobby Lobby? J and I are s'posed to go do lunch and Star Wars tomorrow (Tropical Storm willing, that is) and maybe we'll scoot by JoAnn's and/or Hancock's to see if they have them there, also.

I want to make a knit monkey.
And a knit rooster.
Maybe I'll make all the Lunar Characters.