Sunday, July 10, 2005


After nearly two years of unemployment, I have gotten a Full-Time job!
/runs off dancing
The only negative quality (yet) is that I will no longer be able to attend the Knit & Sip and hang out with my friends on Thursday afternoons anymore. Maybe I can convince some of them to do a night-time knit once a month or something like that.

I will miss the camraderie and their ability to keep me going on a tough project, but... I like being able to pay my bills, too.

In other news, worrying about this Hurricane has kept me from working on the buttonhole section of The Cardigan. I'll do sometonight, since the bad weather is mostly over with now.

1 comment:

LisaB said...

Congratulations on getting a full time job!!! (Jumping up and down for you!) :)