After a Deb-Delinquent-Delay of TWO WEEKS, I bound off the final stitches on the back half of the cardigan. I ended up having to add an extra inch and a half of length due to Dad having a long torso.
I will fit it against him again tonight to make dead cert that the lovely thing fits JUST IN CASE.
Then it's off to the races with the front left and front right panels. These will be fun, since it is much less straightforward that the cast on 92 and stockinette forever that the back was.
But I can do it, I SWEAR.
In other news:
The Slidell Knit & Sip has moved to the Pontchartrain Branch and is now every Thursday at 2PM. I'm hoping to start an email list that may enable us to plan a group trip to Bette Bornside's in the Faubourg Marigny. I hope that they all think this is a good idea.
Also- this blog, though short, has been up for just a week shy of a month. I will soon apply for membership in the Knitting Blog ring, and hopefully they will admit me! The next time Application Open Season begins after my one-month anniversary, I'll be submitting. Wish me luck.
Just a sec'... DO'H!
Rule number 2: Your blog must show regular postings (once a week) for the last month.
Dagnabit. See, laziness will get'cha in the end. Now I gotta wait a while, all the time adding lovely bloggy bits to gain my entry fee. I knew this was too good to be true. *sigh*
I can't let the 84-degree weather here deter me from my Knitting Duties! Onward, Purl!
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