Thursday, June 30, 2005

Sleeves- lengthening!

So I spent this afternoon knitting; both home and at the K&S did I knit, I did.
While at home, I put on the "Who Let the Dogs In?" audio CD, narrated by its author and my 2nd favorite Texas chick, Molly Ivins. (Number One being tied between Mel.W and Sheri Morrison!)
It is Pure-D FUN to knit and cackle at politicians.
So I managed to double in length the sleeves-in-progress. More tonight and heading for the homestretch this weekend.
JULY 8TH being the due date on this pup.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Top of the WORLD, Ma! Top of the WORLD!

Dancey, dancey, dancey!

I got my email telling me that I've been audited and APPROVED for the Knitting Bloggers Webring!


LOOK! Down at the bottom of the blog!!
It's a gif!
It's a button!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Weekend Update with Not Tina Fey.

WsIP: Dad’s Cardigan, J’s wedding gift.
Dad’s Cardigan is 3/4ths done- the sleeves are still clicking along; I worked some during last Thursday’s K&S at Pontchartrain.
We have a new member at the K&S: Betty was just browsing at the branch, and heard us… well, giggling is a good term… and saw that we were knitting and needleworking. She came into the meeting room and we gave her the lowdown on what it was about. She was so pleased by the concept that she went home (only a minute’s drive) and promptly returned with her project! Now we’re all interested in her current WsIP- The Gift of Love sweaters for Oxfam.
These are simple ¾ sleeve sweaters sent to areas Oxfam serves for the children to wear at night.
Well, you could have knocked us all over with a ball of mohair. This is not only a grand idea for us to work on, but they’re also stash-busters for the compulsive buyers among us!

J’s wedding gift is coming along slowly- I may transfer it to the circular needles now that it’s gaining in length- maybe it won’t torque as badly. The book in which the pattern resides was due back at the library, so a photocopy is now in my project binder.

Completed Project: Ball With Bell.
I received a Thank You note from Johnelle and her family yesterday- she was pleased to get the gift for her new baby! The baby is fascinated with the bell inside and is learning to use her hands by squeezing the ball. The household dog, too, loves the new toy- though the dog is not allowed to play with it. Maybe one made of nylon cord for the dog? Hmm… I might have to use the size 50 needles...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Caterpillar Bleus...

Chenille- bad choice of yarn.
Not-very-flexible- bad choice of circulars.
Project Wedding Gift is becalmed right now.


but chenille soooo preeeeetty....

Still working on the Cardi


I'm just not fast enough, I guess.
Dad's cardi, needless to say, was not finished in time for Father's Day.
But since I mostly knit out in the living room, he knows I'm working on it constantly- so I made him a peanut butter chocolate cake instead. Just as good for a gift, I think.

The sleeves are at matching lengths (had to tie blue cotton yarn at one's end to differentiate!) and they are going to have to be lengthened to match Dad's arm length. No problem. I can make things lengthier! Very close to completion. Really. I promise!

Best friend in entire universe is getting married today. ACK! So I'm making a knit bag from Lion Brand Chenille in a lovely dark teal color. The circular needle SAGA has drive me batty, though.
Step one. buy needles.
Wal-Mart had ONE set of size sixes. BUT. They weren't really size sixes. They were size ten and a halfs in a bag that SAID they were sixes.
Return needles.
Buy modular sixes (screw-on-able ones) at Hobby Lobby.
Now the cable is too long.
Find out about MAGIC LOOP through Google. (Another "Knit Wit" site!) Hee...
Hopefully make this project before ceremony tonight at 7. Otherwise, make it this week and present to her later.


I just wish I had more speed on my knit style, yo.


Thursday, June 16, 2005

Pinched Ulnar Nerve

You know what is not fun for a knitter?
A pinched Ulnar Nerve and a painful shoulder.
I was laid up all last week with this nasty thing. Couldn't lift the arm without pain, couldn't turn head without pain, couldn't lie down or get back up again without pain; even swallowing used the affected muscles.

BUT! The baby ball was mailed out before the Pinching of the Nerve, so YAY!

I've managed to churn out the Left Front panel of the Cardigan, and am two inches shy of completing the Right front panel. I worked like a nut Monday and again today (missing my K&S meeting for the second week in a row) and if I really push tonight and tomorrow, I'll get the sleeves done.
Hope this works out- I think it will.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

The place for Knitting Blogs!

Blog site for Knitting Blog Webring.

Ball Project Status

COMPLETE! Muahahahah!
Mom helped me out with sewing up the ends as I was at a complete loss. Duh me.
She used button thread and used the "sock darning method" to draw the holes closed.
Stuffed, belled.
Now all that has to happen is for J's sister to have the baby.
I'm going to call J up right after I publish this. I want to send it off!

Still plugging away on the cardigan for Dad- I'm doing the V-shaping for the neck, and am just about to start the decreases for the arm-holes. Yaaaaaaaaaaay!
Father's Day is JUNE 19TH. FINISH IT!!!!!!!!!

And I've apparently inheirited the Jack Inappropriate Sleep Schedule; napping and falling asleep during the day over the computer, knitting, books... yawning my head off until the VERY MOMENT my head hits the pillow abd the light snaps off- then I'm totally awake, yawn-free, and wired like a ferret.

I dunno.
Off to call J.
Called J- She's back, and the baby has been successfully born. YAY!