Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Still working on the Cardi


I'm just not fast enough, I guess.
Dad's cardi, needless to say, was not finished in time for Father's Day.
But since I mostly knit out in the living room, he knows I'm working on it constantly- so I made him a peanut butter chocolate cake instead. Just as good for a gift, I think.

The sleeves are at matching lengths (had to tie blue cotton yarn at one's end to differentiate!) and they are going to have to be lengthened to match Dad's arm length. No problem. I can make things lengthier! Very close to completion. Really. I promise!

Best friend in entire universe is getting married today. ACK! So I'm making a knit bag from Lion Brand Chenille in a lovely dark teal color. The circular needle SAGA has drive me batty, though.
Step one. buy needles.
Wal-Mart had ONE set of size sixes. BUT. They weren't really size sixes. They were size ten and a halfs in a bag that SAID they were sixes.
Return needles.
Buy modular sixes (screw-on-able ones) at Hobby Lobby.
Now the cable is too long.
Find out about MAGIC LOOP through Google. (Another "Knit Wit" site!) Hee...
Hopefully make this project before ceremony tonight at 7. Otherwise, make it this week and present to her later.


I just wish I had more speed on my knit style, yo.


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