Saturday, August 27, 2005

Blue, blue; this gift is blue...

So- here are some pictures, via KnitCam, of the present that I am working on (and highly delinquent on!) for Jaclyn. Above is said giftie on the circular needles I bought especially for this project!
Below is a (fuzzy) picture taken to show the YO bits that create loops for the drawstring.

Since we're probably going to be socked in due to Hurricane Katrina, I may be able to finish this giftie soon.

Oh- and I have a temp job as a receptionist- OK pay (it'll pay bills) and I like the work. Plus, as an added bonus, Otis S'myer cookies on certain days. I have good phone manners and am going to try like heck to keep this job and make them keep me a while. Wish me luck. Or wish me pay. Whichever.

And please, if you're in the Katrina path, batten down the hatches or GET OUT of her way.

Friday, August 19, 2005

So much for an 8-5...

Earlier in the blog, I was kvetching about lack of knit-time.
Well, the stupid universe took me seriously, and I have too much time on my hands.

My employer of less than 4 weeks decided they didn't need clerical help as much as something else, and let me go with only 20 minutes notice. *sigh*

So it's back to the Temp Agency (as well as other job-hunting tools).

So- maybe I'll get J's present done sooner than later.

Though with the weather being so very hot and humid, I just haven't had the yen to knit lately. I need to get back with the 'Knit&Sip'ers again. I'll email Fran this weekend.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

One of these pix is NOT like the others...

OK, oddness has occurred with the KnitCam. I swapped out batteries- but even with brand-new ones, it claimed it was low on battery power.
I may have to wrestle with this cam a bit.

Anyway- here are some new pix from this week. Color's not fab, but- like I said- I'm still getting into this.

This is the Right arm and Right Side of the Cardigan- unjoined.

The center/Main Body section, also unjoined.

And, for contrast, the Left Arm and Side of the Cardigan...unjoined.

And for color:

a scarf.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

KnitCam ate all its batteries... sniff...

I have to buy new batteries for the Cam, since it eats batteries like a billygoatgruff.

I haven't worked on anything this past week, since I am still trying to figure out how to balance knitting and my new job. I should bring something to work to knit on, but I don't think it would go over well.
Maybe I'll bring J's present tomorrow and work some on that.
Anybody have an 8-5 job and still find time to knit? Suggestions on how to balance are welcome.

I'm looking into purchasing rechargeable batteries for the KCam. That would be good in the long run, I think.
Also getting the Finishing Blues with the Cardi- Putting together is almost all that's left; makes me nervous, thinking about being DONE with it. Maybe I don't want it to be over? The hard part is always finishing, innit...

Tired, cranky, not settled into routine yet. I'm just not a 8-5 person, I think. I miss my pre-job routine.