So- here are some pictures, via KnitCam, of the present that I am working on (and highly delinquent on!) for Jaclyn. Above is said giftie on the circular needles I bought especially for this project!
Below is a (fuzzy) picture taken to show the YO bits that create loops for the drawstring.
Since we're probably going to be socked in due to Hurricane Katrina, I may be able to finish this giftie soon.Oh- and I have a temp job as a receptionist- OK pay (it'll pay bills) and I like the work. Plus, as an added bonus, Otis S'myer cookies on certain days. I have good phone manners and am going to try like heck to keep this job and make them keep me a while. Wish me luck. Or wish me pay. Whichever.
And please, if you're in the Katrina path, batten down the hatches or GET OUT of her way.