Saturday, April 16, 2005

BOW to Theresa.

I have been puzzling over how to do my center-pull yarnballs without the aid of the $40 winder...... and finally, after perusing the knitting forums, I had come to several conclusions:

  1. There is a way.
  2. It involves a cardboard tube (paper towel, toilet tissue, map tube, lint roller tube).
  3. The secret will never be clear enough for me to understand.

And then along came Theresa. (Cue the celestial choir.)
With pictures, no less! I now can do this without whining about how I really ought to get the winder.

I've decided to begin the left panel before I get too far with the right panel, so that I can match size. Mom, God bless her, has an extra size 11 needle so that this can be accomplished. She really ought to pick out a pattern so that I can repay her knitting materials generosity.

Thing I've been wondering about: Does the Boyfriend Sweater Curse extend to any knit/crocheted project- like a hat or mittens- or does it only invoke on a certain complexity level? 'cause I'd love to knit a hat for Vin Diesel...

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