Saturday, August 13, 2005

One of these pix is NOT like the others...

OK, oddness has occurred with the KnitCam. I swapped out batteries- but even with brand-new ones, it claimed it was low on battery power.
I may have to wrestle with this cam a bit.

Anyway- here are some new pix from this week. Color's not fab, but- like I said- I'm still getting into this.

This is the Right arm and Right Side of the Cardigan- unjoined.

The center/Main Body section, also unjoined.

And, for contrast, the Left Arm and Side of the Cardigan...unjoined.

And for color:

a scarf.


LisaB said...

Cool, looking good! I like that scarf. Are those stripes done with the yarn? They turned out really neato!

Deb said...

Yes, the stripes show up through the way the yarn varigates... it wasn't even +meant+ to do that!
The yarn is a soy-based extraction that is spun out of liquid into thread and then into yarn.
It's WAY cool and drapes like silk!